AI Offerings

AI Art

I love using AI to help me my clients' creative endeavours!

I was an early adopted of Midjourney and have now generated over 50,000 images.

Learn AI Art Generation Using Midjourney

Explore the magical world of AI Art Generation with the Midjourney Magic Course. You will learn how to set up an account for Midjourney and how to start using prompts to create art that you have the right to use commercially.
You will also get a detailed Guidebook with step by step instructions.

VIP Card Deck Creation Session

If you've been struggling to get the design and images for your card deck, then working with Ayesha to get these done could be your easiest and quickest solution.

AI Art Generation Session with Ayesha Hilton - one to one

AI Art Session

Want to learn how to create gorgeous images for your website, socials, and marketing materials?

You're invited to book a 1:1 session with AI Art Creator, Ayesha Hilton, to generate images and learn the process.

Soul Stock Boutique Membership with Ayesha Hilton

Soul Stock Boutique Membership

Get a gorgeous and very generous selection of images for just $7 per month (cancel anytime). Images can be used on socials, journals, planners, marketing, websites, and more. 
